gulp simple workflow
Gulp is just a way to automate workflow. I like to use it to compile and minify resources. Not every framework can be like Rails and have this functionality ...
Gulp is just a way to automate workflow. I like to use it to compile and minify resources. Not every framework can be like Rails and have this functionality ...
Laravel on it’s own is a powerful and autonomous framework. With the additions of Laravel Elixir to manage compilation of CSS and JS in your project and Lara...
This post will be a little obscure to you, if you have no previous knowledge of Vagrant or Homestead, I recommend laravel’s homestead guide and also the offi...
exploration and getting started with the new Raspberry Pi2
Unfortunately in VCenter 5.1 there is no way to move a hard drive attached to a vm from thick provisioned to thin. The hack right now is to move drive into a...
If you stumble upon this, you are probably trying to mount ntfs on linux, or have tried to change folder or file permissions but they remain the same. Or you...
The classic problem, someone connects to your wi-fi, and tries to download a movie, then you get a nasty email from your ISP making you look like an organize...
I took this class, that was a survey of different programming languages. PHP, Ruby, Perl, Python, Scheme, and Java (Android Development). It was fast and fun...
Originally recieved this error error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: I have a missing library, so I decide to ...
downgrade or undo yum/package install in RHEL 6 is fairly straight forward # yum historyID | Login user | Date and time | Action(s) | Altered---------------...